Ingredients meat
Wild Goat shoulder
50g TTB BBQ rub (Or your choice of rub)
duck fat spray or olive oil
1 tsp salt & pepper
Ingredients sauce
1 Cup BBQ sauce
½ cup apple juice
2 tbsp brown sugar
100g butter
Method- Heat for 5-10 minutes on low, stir well then add to meat
Ingredients slaw
¼ cabbage sliced
1 x spring onion finely chopped
½ red onion
½ can sweet corn kennels
1 carrot grated
½ bottle culleys picklenaise (Optional or standard salad dressing)
Salt & pepper – season to your taste

1-Remove venison shoulder and rest at room temperature for 1 hour before cooking, spray in duck fat or olive oil and add BBQ rub, salt & pepper
2-Preheat charcoal BBQ or smoker to 140 degrees Celsius, add your choice of fruit wood for flavor.
3-Add your venison leg to the BBQ and cook over indirect heat for 2 hours, do not lift the lid through this 2 hours.
4-Remove goat shoulder, put in tinfoil and heavily spritz with water then wrap tight and put back in the BBQ for a further 4 hours at the same temp. Do not lift the lid through this period
5-Remove from BBQ, wrap in a towel and rest in a chilly bin for 1 hour.
6-Pull the shoulder out, place in a dish and pull! Once pulled heat your BBQ sauce up and add to the meat and mix well before serving on your choice of bun with slaw & cheese.
Method (Oven)
1-Preheat oven to 140 degrees Celsius, place venison shoulder in a dish after spraying with duck fat and adding your rub, salt & pepper
2-Cook for 1.5 hours then remove and add your BBQ sauce on top of the meat then cover the dish with tinfoil. Cook for a further 4 hours at the same temp
3-Remove from oven and leave covered for 30 minutes before removing the tinfoil and pulling that tasty & tender meat.